Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Massive Marsh Fire In New Orleans East

As you know, there is a massive marsh fire in New Orleans East. We are aware of the Air Quality Index advisory which is indicating that sensitive groups such as those people with respiratory ailments should take additional precautions prescribed by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
Building Management is carefully monitoring the situation. In accordance with this advisory, the Fresh Air Intake has been disabled at this time and indoor air is being re-circulated and conditioned.  You might notice the odor from the marsh fire while in the buildings but please note the building air is “conditioned”.
Building Management is following the City of New Orleans for updates,
status and will keep you informed accordingly.
Thank you…
Jones Lang LaSalle

Monday, August 29, 2011


Please be advised that Phase II of the 1555 Poydras Mechanical Retrofit will continue this weekend.
As a result, Air Conditioning will not be provided at the property during this time period.

Phase II of the Mechanical Retrofit:
Friday, September 2nd at 6 PM and will continue until
Tuesday, September 6th at 5 AM.
PLEASE NOTE:  All tenant supplemental units will be operational during this period and do not need to be turned off during this shutdown.  

Thank you in advance for your cooperation relating to this notice. 
Your understanding is greatly appreciated. 
This planned outage is part of our ongoing preventative maintenance to ensure reliable efficient operation of the Building.

If you have any questions, please contact Jacques Legrand at 504-585-2697 or jacques.legrand@am.jll.com .

Friday, August 26, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011, is a building holiday in observance of Labor Day.  No building services will be provided.  Air conditioning may be ordered through our office on an overtime basis as outlined in your lease agreement.  If you plan to work on Labor Day and require air conditioning, please notify our office at 585-2670, by 2:00 pm on Wednesday, August 31, 2011.  We will make the appropriate arrangements to provide the services you will need on that day.

On behalf of the staff of Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc., we would like to wish you and your family a safe Labor Day weekend!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

2011-2012 Football Season Parking Passes
for the New Orleans Saints are available at
1515 Poydras Street. 
Please call (504) 585-2686 for details.