Thursday, July 26, 2012

Occupy Our Conference

Be empowered by health, education, employment and more!

Join Louisiana Healthcare Connections and EXCELth Primary Health Care at the 2012 National Urban League Conference. 

July 26-28th the National Urban League will be hosting its annual conference at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and YOU'RE INVITED!

Explore their special Health Zone where you can receive free screenings as well as information on your health and wellness.

In addition there will be a college fair, career fair and volunteer zone where you can:

-Find a job and network with industry leaders
-Explore hundreds of booths full of family fun
-Register to vote
-Exercise with  Donna Joyner on the Empowerment Stage
-Enjoy celebrity panels and live entertainment

There's something for everyone and it's free! No registration or proof of I.D. is required. Simply come to the expo on the First Floor, Hall I at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center on the following dates and times:

-THURSDAY, JULY 26TH: 12:00-5:00PM
-FRIDAY, JULY 27TH: 11:00AM-5:00PM

For more information, visit 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


DATE: 7/16/2012

Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc.

1515 & 1555 Tenant Advisory

Please be advised that on the following date and time, the Louisiana State Fire Marshal will be conducting a test of the fire alarm system in the 1515 & 1555 Poydras Street building.  There will be audio voice evac and strobes throughout the duration of the testing.  An announcement will be made before testing starts and once it has been completed.  Access to offices in certain Suites at 1515 & 1555 Poydras buildings will be necessary.

This is not a fire drill; you do not have to evacuate your suite.

Thursday, July 19th
Building testing from 7:30 am – 2:00 pm

Friday, July 13, 2012

Tenant Advisory
July 12, 2012

The old Palace Hotel located off of Canal will be imploded on
Sunday, July 22nd at 8am.

Due to both 1515 and 1555 Poydras Buildings being located in the general area,
the buildings will not provide overtime HVAC from 6am until 12pm on this date.
If your firm has any rooftop equipment located on either of the buildings, please take the necessary
precautions to ensure that there is no dust infiltration or damage to your equipment.

The state has opened a hotline to answer the questions of individuals concerned with the implosion.
You can reach it by calling (885) 892-8146. It is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation,

Jones Lang LaSalle
Management Office