Friday, August 31, 2012

8/31/2012 3:00PM 1515/1555 Poydras Buildings are open. Janitorial services are minimal at this time pending the return of staff members. If you require cleaning services for today, please contact the Management Office.

Building hours for both properties for the balance of the week and Monday, September 3, 2012 are as follows:

                                Friday, August 31, 2012                 7:00AM – 6:00PM

                                After Hours                                        Card Access Only

                                Saturday, September 1, 2012      7:00AM – 12:00PM

                                After Hours                                         Card Access Only

                                Sunday, September 2, 2012         Card Access Only

Monday, September 3, 2012 – Labor Day Building Holiday with Card Access Only


The 1515 Poydras Parking Garage will reopen at 6:00pm for normal after hour access on Friday, August 31, 2012.  The 4th level of the 1515 Parking garage will continue to remain closed at this time.  The garage will reopen for normal operations on Tuesday, September 4, 2012.

On Friday August 31, 2012, the 1555 Poydras Parking Garage will remain open for access to all of our tenants at both 1515 and 1555 Poydras. No access cards or tickets will be required and will close at 6:00PM and be secured until 7:00AM Saturday morning.  An “all call” announcement will be made at 6:00PM tonight to notify all 1555 parkers that their cars must be removed prior to the parking garage being secured at 6:30PM (allowing a 30 minute grace period.) NO ACCESS CARDS, PARKING CARDS OR PARKING CODES WILL WORK IN THE 1555 PARKING GARAGE DURING THIS TIME.    

On Saturday, September 1, 2012, the 1555 Poydras Parking Garage will remain open for access to all of our tenants at 1555 Poydras. No access cards or tickets will be required and will close at 12:00 NOON and be secured until 7:00AM Tuesday morning.  The garage will be secured with no in/out access until Tuesday, September 4, 2012.  NO ACCESS CARDS, PARKING CARDS OR PARKING CODES WILL WORK IN THE 1555 PARKING GARAGE DURING THIS TIME.    
On Sunday, September 2, 2012 and Monday, September 3, 2012, the 1555 Poydras Parking Garage will remain closed and be secured until 7:00AM Tuesday morning.  The garage will be secured with no in/out access until Tuesday, September 4, 2012.  NO ACCESS CARDS, PARKING CARDS OR PARKING CODES WILL WORK IN THE 1555 PARKING GARAGE DURING THIS TIME.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Isaac Update

Tenant Advisory
August 30, 2012

Isaac Tropical System Update

8/30/2012 3:00PM- 1515/1555 Poydras Buildings are open with limited services.

Janitorial services are minimal at this time pending the return of staff members.
If you require cleaning services for either today or tomorrow, please contact the Management Office.

Building hours for both properties for the balance of the week are as follows:
Thursday, August 30, 2012     12:00PM – 6:00PM
Friday, August 31, 2012           7:00AM – 6:00PM
IMPORTANT PARKING NOTES!!!  The 1515 Poydras Parking Garage will remain closed and reopen on Tuesday, September 4, 2012.
There was damage that is being repaired.  The 1555 Poydras Parking Garage is open access to all of our tenants at both 1515 and 1555 Poydras.
No access cards or tickets will be required.  1555 Parking Garage will close at 6:00PM and be secured until 7:00AM the next morning.

An “all call” announcement will be made at 6:00PM to notify all 1555 parkers that their cars must be removed prior to the
parking garage being secured at 6:30PM (allowing a 30 minute grace period.)

8/30/2012 9:00AM   1515/1555 Poydras will open today, August 30, 2012 at 12:00PM.  Minor damage was suffered at the buildings.  Complete property assessments are being conducted this morning. The buildings have power and elevator service.  There will be minimal buildings services for today and Friday pending the return of staff members for building management, parking and janitorial.

Building hours for both properties will be as follows:

                                Thursday, August 30, 2012           Noon – 6:00PM

                                Friday, August 31, 2012                 7:00AM – 6:00PM

IMPORTANT PARKING NOTE!!!  The 1515 Poydras Parking Garage will remain closed and reopen on Tuesday, September 4, 2012.  There was damage that is being repaired.  The 1555 Poydras Parking Garage is open access to all of our tenants at both 1515 and 1555 Poydras. No access cards or tickets will be required.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8/29/2012 2:00PM As of 2:00PM today, Isaac continues to lash Southeast Louisiana. The entire area is under a flash flood watch and tornado watch (most of area) until 7:00AM Thursday (August 30, 2012) morning.  Isaac remains a 75-mph hurricane and is headed NW at only 6 mph. Entergy Corp. says Hurricane Isaac has knocked out power to more than 450,000 residential and commercial in southeast Louisiana. Officials say crews are not able to start repairs until winds drop below 30 or 35 mph, which is likely to be Thursday morning at the earliest.
Based on the above information, at the earliest, we are tentatively planning a delayed opening tomorrow afternoon at 2:00PM assuming support staff can get to the property ahead of that time.  Support staff includes relief engineers, elevator technicians, parking garage clean up crew, etc. 
As circumstances change, we will provide further updates.  The next update will be around 9:00AM Thursday morning.

8/29/2012 12:00PM  As of noon today, Southeast Louisiana is feeling the effects of Hurricane Isaac.  The buildings continue to be closed.  Essential JLL Management team members are onsite monitoring the properties and mitigating any damage that may occur.  Currently both properties do have power.  At this point, we are monitoring the city and state advisories for the latest updates to determine whether we will be able to open for business on Thursday.

Another advisory will be issued on our website, blog and ring clear this afternoon around 2PM.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Isaac Tropical System Update

8/28/2012 12:00PM As of the 11AM weather update, Isaac became a hurricane. 1515/1555 Buildings are closed. At this time, JLL Management Team continues to monitor the storm and will keep you informed as warranted. Reopening of the buildings is anticipated for Thursday morning, August 30, 2012. Please continue to monitor these advisories for the latest updates on the buildings’ reopening.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hurricane Information

With the 2012 Hurricane Season in full swing, this notice shall serve as a reminder of the Building’s policies and procedures.  Hurricane Season brings challenges in planning, preparation, communication, potential Building closures and evacuations as well as re-entry into the City and Building. 

All Tenants should have their current emergency plans in place and should be familiar with the Building Emergency Procedures.  Listed below are several key important facts and/or considerations:

·      Our number one priority is the safety and security of our Tenants, their employees and the employees of our Management Team. 
·      Revisit your company’s emergency procedures. Make sure your company’s emergency procedures coincide with the Building’s Emergency Procedures.
·      It is equally important to have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) as part of your company’s emergency plan. This contingency plan should include the evacuation of all essential data and files necessary to conduct your business offsite.  It should also include how your employees are going to contact your firm during an emergency and where they are to meet and/or office offsite. 
·      In the case of evacuation and an extended period of time out of the building, you should be prepared to conduct your business from an area outside of these office buildings.
·      Send any and all emergency contact information updates/revisions to the Building Management Office to the attention of Paige ( It is essential that this information be maintained and updated when there is a change so that our JLL Team has the most current contacts in the event your firm needs to be contacted during an emergency.

As always the safety and security of our Tenants and the personnel who work for our Buildings are our number one priority.  With your safety in mind, all Tenants will be requested to timely evacuate the Buildings in accordance with the Director from the City of New Orleans, so that the Buildings may be closed and secured.  The Buildings and the Buildings’ Parking Garages cannot, and will not be used as shelter.  Any and all evacuations will follow the guidelines and direction as set forth by the City of New Orleans.

Always remember that in the event of an evacuation, the Buildings will be re-opened as soon as safe conditions exist, Building Management is able to return to the site, all building systems have been confirmed operational, normal services have been restored and the premises are safe for occupancy. 

A few key items to remember:

·        1515 Poydras and 1555 Poydras Buildings are not to be used as a shelter or a place of refuge.
·        Jones Lang LaSalle will monitor the City of New Orleans updates.
·        Jones Lang LaSalle will give as much advance notice as possible regarding changes in Building operations and Building access. 
·        Be sure to check the building’s web site and blog prior to the storm, as well as during and after any emergency event. 
·        Notifications will come out as often and timely as possible. There will be various avenues of communication through Ringclear, the 1515 and 1555 Websites, and the 800 number.
·         In the event of an emergency (severe hurricane updates, bomb threat, building closing due to power outages, etc) we have contracted with RingClear to automatically send voice messages to our tenants.  Two (2) members of your organization (local and/or national offices) should be appointed to receive such notifications. 
·         Check the message on our 800 number for alerts, notifications and other pertinent information.  That number is 1-800-574-0609.

For Tenants who are part of the infrastructure support locally, regionally and nationally, that are required to be onsite through events such as hurricanes, your firm will be required as in the past, to review and sign the proper release forms in advance.  For more information regarding this release and the process required to remain onsite, please inquire with the Management Office for details and the proper legal release forms if you have not already done so.  It is important at this time to be sure your Tenant Certificate of Insurance is up to date and on file in the Management Office to expedite the approval process for acquiring a release form.

Again, please remember that the Parking Garage is not a safe haven for vehicles and should not be utilized for this purpose.  Access to the Garages will be limited and access to the Parking Garage will not be a priority before, during or immediately after any emergency.

When potential storms make their way into the Gulf, we will keep all of our Tenants abreast with updates via tenant advisories and hand outs.  Your support and cooperation is greatly appreciated in helping to insure the safety of all Tenants of the Buildings.  Should you have any questions or concerns, or believe you are a part of the “infrastructure support,” please contact your Tenant Services Rep, Paige Swain and/or the General Manager, Sue Tucker in the Management Office at 585-2660.

Isaac Update

Isaac Tropical System Update

8/27/2012 3:30PM  1515/1555 Poydras Buildings are under an EMERGENCY ALERT and will be closed Tuesday, August 28, 2012 through Wednesday, August 29, 2012 as a result of the New Orleans Metro Region being under a HURRICANE WARNING. It is anticipated that the buildings will reopen on Thursday, August 30, 2012.

The buildings will remain open today, under normal operating hours. Janitorial Services will be provided this evening.

The Parking Garages will close at 7:00PM this evening and secured.  There will be no further access to the parking garages until the buildings reopen on Thursday, August 30, 2012. This means there is no entry or exit to/from the parking garages.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, there will be no building services.  Elevator service will cease at noon or earlier on Tuesday as the weather warrants.  (Elevator service technicians will not be available due to weather and travel restrictions.)

For Tenants who are part of the infrastructure support locally, regionally and nationally, that are required to be onsite, through events such as hurricanes, your firm will be required (as in the past), to review and sign the proper release forms in advance.  A release is required for each individual to be allowed access to the buildings on Tuesday and/or Wednesday.

Further updates will be issued as warranted. 

8/27/2012 11:00AM JLL Management continues to monitor the Isaac Tropical System. We are under a Hurricane Warning for the metro area. This morning, the building team has begun hurricane preparations at both buildings. All firms are encouraged to prepare their premises and implement their emergency plans. Our team will follow the directives of the local and state officials. Further updates will be issued as warranted.

Key Points to Keep in Mind:

The Parking Garages are not a safe haven for any and all vehicles and should not be utilized for this purpose.  As of 10:00AM today, parking is only available to Contract Parkers. Access to the Garages will be limited and access to the Parking Garage will not be a priority before, during or immediately after any emergency.

Office preparations…please prepare your offices with special concentration on perimeter offices, electronic equipment, etc.  Also, please clean out your refrigerators and throw away any perishable food items before you leave your office today.

Please refer to the 2012 Hurricane Information that is attached to this advisory for further details.  It includes how you and your employees can keep up-to-date with on-going advisories. 
At this time while a decision is pending, it is anticipated that the buildings will be closed for Tuesday and Wednesday.  The final decision will be based on the directives of local and state officials.

Tenant Advisory
August 27, 2012

 Isaac Tropical System Update

8/27/2012 3:30PM  1515/1555 Poydras Buildings are under an EMERGENCY ALERT and will be closed Tuesday, August 28, 2012 through Wednesday, August 29, 2012 as a result of the New Orleans Metro Region being under a HURRICANE WARNING. It is anticipated that the buildings will reopen on Thursday, August 30, 2012.

The buildings will remain open today, under normal operating hours. Janitorial Services will be provided this evening.

The Parking Garages will close at 7:00PM this evening and secured.  There will be no further access to the parking garages until the buildings reopen on Thursday, August 30, 2012. This means there is no entry or exit to/from the parking garages.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, there will be no building services.  Elevator service will cease at noon or earlier on Tuesday as the weather warrants.  (Elevator service technicians will not be available due to weather and travel restrictions.)

For Tenants who are part of the infrastructure support locally, regionally and nationally, that are required to be onsite, through events such as hurricanes, your firm will be required (as in the past), to review and sign the proper release forms in advance.  A release is required for each individual to be allowed access to the buildings on Tuesday and/or Wednesday.

 Further updates will be issued as warranted. 

Isaac Information

Tenant Advisory
August 27, 2012

8/27/2012 11:00AM JLL Management continues to monitor the Isaac Tropical System. We are under a Hurricane Warning for the metro area. This morning, the building team has begun hurricane preparations at both buildings. All firms are encouraged to prepare their premises and implement their emergency plans. Our team will follow the directives of the local and state officials. Further updates will be issued as warranted.

Key Points to Keep in Mind:
The Parking Garages are not a safe haven for any and all vehicles and should not be utilized for this purpose.  As of 10:00AM today, parking is only available to Contract Parkers. Access to the Garages will be limited and access to the Parking Garage will not be a priority before, during or immediately after any emergency.

Office preparations…please prepare your offices with special concentration on perimeter offices, electronic equipment, etc.  Also, please clean out your refrigerators and throw away any perishable food items before you leave your office today.

Please refer to the 2012 Hurricane Information that is attached to this advisory for further details.  It includes how you and your employees can keep up-to-date with on-going advisories. 
At this time while a decision is pending, it is anticipated that the buildings will be closed for Tuesday and Wednesday.  The final decision will be based on the directives of local and state officials.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Free Arena Bowl Tickets from the New Orleans Voodoo


Your neighbors with the New Orleans VooDoo want to offer you FREE tickets to tonight’s championship event.




Pregame Fanfest starts at 5:00pm

Featuring Live Music From
David Blackwell
Category 6
Bag of Donuts


New Orleans VooDoo
1515 Poydras, Suite 100
New Orleans, LA 70112